Teachers at TCVC retreats offer their instruction and support free of charge in the spirit of generosity, or dana. In return, retreatants are invited to explore their own practice of generosity by freely giving to support the teachers at the end of retreat. This allows both teachers and retreatants to explore the effects of giving and receiving freely – an important part of our everyday practice.
There’s no “right way” to practice dana, except to bring increasing awareness to the process of giving and receiving. Mindfulness provides the space necessary to recognize and act on our generous intentions skillfully. Only by listening can we discover an appropriate level of support.
To learn more about dana, check out this article from Insight Meditation Center, read these selections on the Access to Insight website, or listen to related talks on Dharmaseed.
Students will have the opportunity to donate by cash or check at the end of the retreat. You may also donate online or mail your check to TCVC after the retreat ends. TCVC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Donations are eligible for tax-deductible charitable contributions.
If you would like to find out other ways to support TCVC, visit our Volunteer page or contact us.