Our retreats are made possible by the efforts of dedicated volunteers. At the center of the volunteer organization is the coordinating committee consisting of the Retreat Coordinator, Newsletter Coordinator, Secretary and Treasurer.

The committee is supported by a larger group of volunteers, who fulfill ongoing needs or volunteer as registrars or managers for a single retreat. This document describes our approach to and description of volunteer activities at TCVC.

TCVC is currently looking for someone to help optimize our online search results for the tcvc.info website. Please contact us if you’d be willing to volunteer. Remote volunteers are welcome.

Anyone who has attended at least one TCVC retreat is eligible to serve on the TCVC Board. New members are always welcome.

TCVC also relies on members of the community to serve as registrars and retreat managers. This is more of a one-time commitment that we recruit for several months before each retreat.

If you’re interested in serving on the board, volunteering for a specific retreat or in any other capacity, please contact TCVC or talk to any current board member.