We’re delighted to welcome back Annie Nugent and Deborah Helzer for the summer retreat. Annie taught a fall retreat with TCVC in 2009. She has been a regular teacher of the annual 3-month retreat at Insight Meditation Society (IMS), with this fall being her 20th year teaching that retreat. Deborah first came to Minnesota as a teacher trainee with Steve Armstrong and Kamala Masters in 2004. She also taught our summer retreat in 2023 with Vance Pryor.
TCVC is committed to supporting teachers-in-training through our retreats. Annie and Deborah will be assisted by Wynn Fricke, cofounder of Common Ground Meditation Center. Wynn is part of the new IMS/Spirit Rock teacher trainee group. She will be observing mostly and serving as an occasional practice leader.
Read more about the retreat in the newsletter below. Register online or mail in the registration page found in the newsletter. If you have questions, email the registrar at retreats@tcvc.info.