2024 July: Post-Retreat Update

More to come…

In the past, TCVC has limited our communications to announcing our retreats. Going forward, we’d like to keep in touch a bit more (but no more than monthly), with writing and other work by people from the TCVC community.

Beth Racette, a long-time meditator from Madison, Wisconsin shared two wonderful paintings and this reflection:  I express deep gratitude for many TCVC retreats that I have attended over the past 15 years. These paintings, entitled “Indra’s Net”, are my exploration of the web of interconnection.

We’d love to hear from you!  Please send your submissions to info@tcvc.info.

Highlights of the June Retreat

Sixty three people attended the June retreat with Kamala Masters and Tara Mulay at Koronis Ministries near Paynesville, Minnesota. It was a lovely week. We enjoyed a warm welcome from the Koronis staff, the spacious meditation hall with a view of the lake, and nourishing meals.

We greatly appreciated the compassionate guidance from Kamala and Tara. Their dharma talks have been uploaded to the Dharma Seed website.

For those of you who attended the retreat, below is a writing by Teijitsu, an 18th century abbess of Hakujuan, near Eiheiji, Japan. Tara referred to this text in her talk on the three characteristics of experience to be realized through insight meditation.
She saw that all phenomena arose, abided, and fell away. She saw that even knowing this arose, abided, and fell away. Then she knew there was nothing more than this, no ground, nothing to lean on, stronger than the cane she held.  Nothing to lean upon at all, and no one leaning…  And she opened the clenched fist in her mind and let go, and fell, into the midst of everything.
Sallie Tisdale, The Women of the Way: Discovering 2,500 years of Buddhist Wisdom

Connecting with our Teachers
 Vipassana Metta at Home

Join Kamala Masters and Steve Armstrong every Wednesday for a guided meditation and short dharma talk and/or question and answer period. Sign up here to receive a weekly Zoom invitation.

Tara Mulay

Tara Mulay will be teaching a number of retreats the last half of this year. Click here for her schedule.

Residential Retreat with Deborah Helzer

Deborah Helzer will be teaching a residential retreat at Common Ground Retreat Center November 12-16.

Save the Dates

Save the date for the TCVC winter retreat: February 16–23, 2025 with Chas DiCapua and Rebecca Bradshaw. The retreat will be held at Koronis Ministries near Paynesville, Minnesota. Details will be published in October and registration opens November 1, 2024. 

Click here for other opportunities for retreat practice in the upper Midwest.

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Wishing you well,
TCVC Board